
Fallen Sword Web Based RPG Guide

Welcome again, today we’re going to look into the new trend of rpg’ing through web based pages.

It is common knowledge that Role Playing Games Attract people a lot more than any other type of games. Reasons? Call it thirst for power, thirst for domination call it whatever you want but RPG gaming is here to stay. People play them, meet new people and have fun. The problem is that not many people have the required time to devote into games like that. That’s what web based RPGs come to solve.

Most of them are fast paced and very fun to play, without having to spend many hours per day.

One of them is the Fallen Sword RPG.


Computers And Human organisms. Coincidence?

Technology is everywhere. We use it to create art, vehicles, food, bombs, and virtually everything. Computers have played the greatest role in technology breakthrough. Nowadays every house has one. In fact a considerable percentage does not know how to use it but they just had to have it just to say that they’re following the things happening.

Thinking about it, computers and humans have many things in common. It might not be easy to find many similarities but think about it… We have created them, shouldn’t they “work” like we do?

Nonsense? Maybe! Let us see…


A Simple PHP Visitor Counter

This article is designed to help you make a very simple hit counter for your php enabled website. I will talk you through each stage and explain both what is happening and why. There are many ways that we can achieve our goal of creating a visitor counter using PHP. In this article I will show you how to create one using a text file and how to incorporate it into any page using a simple code snippet.


  • A strong grasp of HTML is reccomended before attempting to tackle PHP.
  • A PHP enabled web server running PHP 4.x.x or higher on either a unix or Microsoft Windows platform.
  • This is a basic article, however some knowledge of PHP is desired, such as what functions are, what variables are and the basics of the syntax in general.

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